Hiring? 4 Communication Tips for a Long Interview Process

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Hiring new team members is an exciting but often prolonged process. While it is important to ensure that the right person is selected for the job, the delay can leave candidates in limbo. When the hiring process takes longer than expected, it’s vital to maintain communication with interested individuals and ensure that they sense your company’s care and investment throughout the process. Here’s how to keep in touch with potential employees and use downtime productively during a lengthy hiring process.

1. Maintain the same cadence of communication

When the hiring process takes longer than the estimated time, it can be disheartening for the job candidate. You can mitigate the frustration with proactive communication by reaching out to candidates and touching base. Consistency in communication is key to building a rapport with the candidate and ensuring they remain interested. A simple hello, a request for an update on their week’s events, or a reference to something they mentioned in a previous call can go a long way. These little actions add up to more significant connections and show candidates that they are valued and humanized.

2. Connect with candidates on social media

Social media platforms like LinkedIn can be incredibly useful for maintaining contact with job candidates. By connecting with candidates on social media, you can build further rapport with them and monitor any updates to their career trajectory. Engage with their posts and strike up conversations over Messenger or LinkedIn Direct Messages. Social media is an unobtrusive means of keeping in touch with candidates, and can lead to relationships that last beyond the hiring process.

3. Give personal feedback

Taking the time to give a candidate feedback on their application or interview, regardless of whether or not they are selected for the role, is an excellent practice to implement. Feedback provided in a personal email can allow candidates to garner insight into their strengths and opportunities for growth, and provide them with valuable tips for future career opportunities. Providing feedback exhibits that the time spent by the candidate during the interview process was valued and respected.

4. Continue maintaining relationships 

The candidate who was not hired does not necessarily mean that they will never be appropriate for a different role. By continuing to keep in touch with those in the pipeline, you build an organic network of interested candidates who are aware of the company’s existence and values. You may have referrals to suitable candidates based on your previous communication with those candidates or connections that change job roles. Regular communication ensures that when a position opens up, your valuable candidate network stays updated on potential openings.

Maintaining contact with an interested candidate is a proactive way to demonstrate a company’s commitment to not only the hiring process but also the candidate’s time, effort, and interest. By instituting proactive cadences of communication, genuine and human feedback, and continuous relationships, you build a pipeline of valued candidates, even if not selected for a role. When you consider the long-term benefits of consistent and deliberate communication, the end result of filling roles with eager candidates is well worth the investment. At Work Friendly, we pride ourselves on ensuring that everyone feels valued and respected, even those who aren’t selected for a particular role. This approach strengthens our brand value, and ultimately contributes to both ours and our clients’ overall success.

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