Resilience in a Time of Crisis – How to rebound and keep it together!

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It’s hard when times are tough to keep our cool and center our minds. How can we stay positive and manage our worries during these stressful times? There are some simple steps we can all take to feel resilient even when things are harder than normal.

  • Slow Down – It’s okay to get less done, if you are staying calm and focused, you will get through this. Set your goals at reasonable levels. Don’t try to accomplish too much too quickly. Stay focused and slow down.
  • Unplug – What helps you unwind? Music, meditation, silence, a nap? Do the little things that make you feel better.
  • Compassion and care of others – Remember that many are suffering right now. What are little ways you can help? Call an older neighbor or relative and check on them. Send a meal to your local hospital for the hard working and stressed out staff. Helping others, will make YOU feel better too.
  • Take control of what you can control – Make sure you do have a good supply of non-perishables, just in case, get your house in order, do you have the medications you need? These little steps make you feel some sense of power over your situation.
  • Take care of yourself physically and mentally – Are you washing your hands as needed? Practicing social distancing? Are you getting a little exercise in each day, even just a walk or online workout? One of the easiest things we can all be doing is drinking lots and lots of water. Good hygiene and smart lifestyle practices will help you stay healthier and feel better.
  • Keep some routine or schedule going. Maybe it’s a bit relaxed, but get up and get dressed. Take a shower. Make your bed. You will feel better.
  • And one final way to feel resilient – Keep a gratitude journal. Or even just a journal. You will look back one day on this time, and want to recall the feelings you had while in an isolated state. You can look back, and be reminded we all have so very much to be grateful for, and we can get through anything. That’s true resilience.

There are so many wonderful resources out there right now online, to help you become resilient and feel better as we work together as a country during COVID-19.

Work Friendly Consulting is here to help. We have lots of useful tips to get us all through this difficult time. If you need help, please reach out to us at [email protected]

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