New Year, New Resolutions

HR New Year
2023 is coming to a close, here's four easy to keep HR resolutions for the New Year.

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New Year’s resolutions get a bad wrap – here are four HR New Year’s resolutions you can make to start 2024 off on the right foot.

Improve Employee Communication

This year, make a resolution to improve your communication practices. Start by creating multiple channels for employees to reach out to HR, such as an anonymized suggestion box or a messaging platform. Set up regular check-ins with employees to discuss their needs and concerns, and consider implementing an employee feedback system. Establishing a culture of transparency and building trust with your staff is free.

Emphasize Employee Wellness

Employee wellness should always be a top priority. As an HR team, you can support your staff by offering wellness resources such as stipends for both mental and physical health, discounts for memberships through your insurance carrier, and flexible time off where employees feel they can take a mental health day.. Additionally, prioritize regular authentic check-ins with your employees and provide training to managers on how to identify struggling employees.

Prioritize Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion should not be an afterthought – and should be intentionally incorporated into all aspects of your people practices. Educate yourself and your staff on bias, microaggressions, and privilege to develop a better understanding of how to create a more inclusive workplace. Finally, regularly assess your HR practices to ensure they are not inadvertently discriminating against any group of employees.

Invest in Outsourcing

This year, make it a priority to invest in your HR infrastructure. Outsourcing provides significant benefits to small and large organizations by keeping overhead costs low and expertise high. Using a firm, like Work Friendly, offers HR insight that might not fall within your current team’s core competencies. Outsourcing can also take the burden off non-HR leaders or team members who might be carrying extra tasks. By continuing to expand your resource network, you can provide and scale higher quality HR services to your employees.

Making these four HR New Year’s resolutions will not only improve your HR practices, but they will also benefit your employees and the company as a whole. Here’s to a successful and fulfilling 2024!

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