Now hiring? Growing in economic uncertainty

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In times of economic uncertainty, businesses often face difficult decisions when it comes to hiring new employees. Companies may hesitate to make long-term investments in their workforce; however, it’s important to remember that hiring during times of economic uncertainty can provide a unique opportunity for companies to strengthen their position for future success.

Ready to hire? Here are some key considerations:

Focus on your core needs

  • Prioritize roles that are essential to your business operations. These might include positions that directly contribute to revenue generation or those that support core business functions like finance, operations, or customer service. 

Be mindful of cash flow

  • It’s important to be mindful of your cash flow and budget constraints. This may mean prioritizing part-time or contract roles over full-time hires, or looking for creative solutions to manage costs. For example, some companies may choose to offer flexible work arrangements or work-from-home options as a way to reduce overhead expenses.

Emphasize agility and flexibility

  • Businesses need to be agile and adaptable to respond to shifting market conditions. When hiring new employees, look for individuals who are versatile and able to take on a range of responsibilities. 

Invest in training and development

  • Uncertain economic times can be challenging, but it can also provide an opportunity to invest in your existing workforce. By providing training and development opportunities, businesses can help employees build new skills and enhance their abilities. This benefits individual employees and contributes to the overall strength and resilience of the organization.

Communicate transparently

  • Be honest about any challenges you are facing and share your plans for how you intend to navigate them. This can help build trust and confidence among your workforce, and attract top talent who are looking for stability and transparency.

Hiring during times of economic uncertainty isn’t always a negative.Β  By prioritizing essential roles, being mindful of cash flow, emphasizing agility and flexibility, investing in training and development, and communicating transparently, businesses can make strategic investments in their workforce that will pay dividends in the long run.

By: Cori Anderson, Work Friendly People Expert

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