We know some of are you are thinking it, so let’s talk about it.

Why are we writing a blog and what can you expect?

The purpose of our blog is for you to learn more about who we are and what we’re up to, as well as trending topics in the Human Resources industry and our points of view and experiences. As a small, but growing startup, we want you to get to know us, our values and take you along the ride in what we’re doing.
So, what’s in the pipeline? A few topics you can expect to see in the coming weeks include: Our Company Values, All things PEOs, How to Choose an HRIS, Legalization of Marijuana & its Effect in the Workplace, and Employee Engagement & Retention.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Please use our comment tool to post questions you have after reading our blog, comments about the topic, or make suggestions of topics you want us to write about.
Thanks for reading, we look forward to sharing more of our thoughts, ideas and experiences soon!